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8-Week Evidence-Based LIGHT Self-Efficacy Course (Thursday evenings)
March 7, 2019 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
An event every week that begins at 6:30 pm on Thursday, repeating until April 25, 2019
LIGHT™: Light-Induced Guided Healing Therapy Launches at UC San Diego Centers for Integrative Health
Whether you are an entrepreneur or a student, a parent or a coach, an athlete seeking to better your performance or an individual faced with the shifting demands of chronic illness, Light-Induced Guided Healing Therapy (LIGHT™) provides an opportunity to improve quality of life and engineer new mental pathways that anchor a more positive outlook of life. With practice, we can develop new habits of the mind that work to make the experience of life richer and more rewarding.
After eight years of research and development, UC San Diego will debut a novel program this September, called LIGHT™ through its Centers for Integrative Health. LIGHT™ is an evidence-based protocol that empowers the individual with a self-care approach to enhancing self-efficacy, which is an individual’s belief in his or her innate ability to achieve goals. This protocol has been shown to improve mood, decrease fatigue, and positively affect quality of life.
The 8-Week LIGHT™ Self-Efficacy Course will introduce you to the foundational principles of this novel, evidence-based protocol and will provide you with ample practice to embody LIGHT™ for self-care and continued personal growth.
This course will be taught by the co-founders/co-developers of the therapy, Paula Marie Jackson and Tom Thudiyanplackal.
Schedule & Location:
This 8-week LIGHT Self-Efficacy course meets weekly, for 8 weeks.
March 7, 2019 - April 25, 2019
Thursday Evenings, 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.
5060 Shoreham Place, Suite 330, San Diego, CA 92122
Watch Testimonials, Research Information, and an Experiential Session:
Why learn and practice Light Induced Guided Healing Therapy (LIGHT)?
A scientific study at UC San Diego School of Medicine showed that LIGHT significantly reduced fatigue and improved mood and quality of life.
We have also found that LIGHT improves self-efficacy, which is an individual’s belief in his or her ability to succeed in specific situations and to accomplish life goals. Self-efficacy reflects confidence in the ability to exert control over one's own motivation, behavior, and social environment, and face challenging situations. Efficacious people set challenging goals and maintain a strong commitment to them and have a better quality of life.
About the Co-Developers: Paula Marie Jackson and Thomas George Thudiyanplackal
After a lifelong study of Eastern and Western practices to support health and well-being, combined with a professional background in the medical industry, Paula Marie Jackson enjoyed a dramatic health transformation following a grim diagnosis in 1999. Wanting to share her life-changing experience in order to help others, Paula co-developed, with husband, physicist, and filmmaker Thomas George Thudiyanplackal, a protocol called LIGHT (Light Induced Guided Healing Therapy). LIGHT helped Paula regain her strength and vitality that she has now maintained over the last eighteen years. Paula and Thomas worked with UC San Diego to study the effects of their protocol and found that participants were able to improve mood, decrease fatigue, and positively affect their quality of life. Their combined efforts over the past eight years to research and develop LIGHT has produced an easy-to-follow practice that yields quick results. Their mission is to help the widest audience possible to experience LIGHT and see their own personal transformations.
“Very, very worthwhile! Anyone living with a chronic condition should definitely practice [LIGHT] to help with stress, pain, and improve your life! I use it to deal with insomnia and pain. What's amazing is that you can do it pretty much anywhere!” — Araceli T.
“My [LIGHT] experience allowed me to explore my inner self and provided me a foundation to develop a sustainable practice for my life going forward, and working with Paula via Skype was truly an amazing opportunity. Her work is energetic, which inspired me to look deeper and release my self-imposed restrictions. I have had Multiple Sclerosis for over 30 years, and it does not have me! During my weeks of [LIGHT] session, I became a fierce leader again, and I also landed the position of my dreams. I am an Information Systems Disaster Recovery Specialist Manager for the U.S. government in Washington, D.C. THANK YOU, [LIGHT]!!!” — Valerie B.
“[LIGHT], for me, is like a guided dream that you can come back to every time. My conscious mind is distracted by the imagery that I am assisted in shaping during the process. Once my conscious mind is busy, the relaxation really takes hold. I find myself able to relax on a deep psychological level. For me [LIGHT] created an environment where there is permission to call forth what you need, without judgment, and to really see yourself as an active participant in your own healing. There are so many lifestyle choices to consider with MS or any chronic condition. [LIGHT] is a healing modality that lets you fully relax but in a focused way. It’s not just resting, and it’s not a physical modality of relaxation like massage, rather it is energetically focused for your well being. I feel so lucky to have been introduced to this modality, and I can’t wait to see how it grows to reach a larger audience.” — Audrey M.
“[LIGHT] is a beautiful protocol not only simply for relaxation but for reconnecting with your body and spirit. It has multiple uses and applications. It is also unique for each person so you are able to use your imagination. I really enjoyed my participation in the study. It was profound to have the opportunity to approach my disease from a different space—internally as opposed to my outer body.” — Jennifer Gasner
“I feel that the mind is powerful and that I can improve my MS symptoms using [LIGHT]. My sister, who only sees me twice a year, told me that I am walking better than I have in years, and my friends from MS Yoga, who also see me sporadically, commented on my walking and yoga moves since I started [LIGHT]. I love that my symptoms have improved and I look forward to more improvements as I continue to practice [LIGHT] on my own.” — Patricia Knight
“I was diagnosed with MS in Oct ‘06 and I have been searching for an alternative therapy to complement immunomodulating drugs. I tried vitamins and herbs, acupuncture, and special diets to help alleviate symptoms. These therapies work for me to some degree, but it was not until [LIGHT] that I was able to see the light!
"Some of my most problematic symptoms include drop foot and a heavy leg. During my sessions with Paula, she put me in a light trance and in my creative imagination, I freely enjoyed activities like dancing and rollerskating. These are things that are difficult for me to do with a heavy leg. We had sessions where she targeted my focus (i.e. commander cells) on healing and repairing my entire leg. I know that is a tall order, but Paula instilled confidence in me.
"I have run three marathons since [LIGHT]. One was in December 2014 and I was absolutely in tune with my body and my leg. I ran the whole 26.2 miles and I did not have to stop to walk. Another marathon was in March 2015 and unseasonably hot at 86 degrees. Heat is very challenging for me, as it weighs down my leg and makes running laborious. During the tough stretches, I pictured a strong blue, cooling, and soothing light. I imagined the blue color flowing to my leg and foot to guide me along the course to the finish line.
"[LIGHT] is now a powerful tool that I can turn to help with my MS symptoms and to also get me through tough times. My goal is to be the first person with MS to run 7 marathons on 7 continents in 12 months. You can be sure I will be practicing [LIGHT] frequently and intensely!
"Thank you, Dr. Mills, for taking on this project. It is exciting that I was Paula’s first participant and I hope you can bring [LIGHT] to the masses. A lot of us MS patients are desperate for new and innovative ideas.” — Cheryl H. (July 2015)
Cheryl did complete her mission in December of 2017 and successfully ran marathons on each of the seven continents within the year.
“My name is Sharon Glickman. I took the [LIGHT Self-efficacy] class. It was a very positive and enriching class for me. It can be used whenever needed. It can be used for any aspects of life.” — Sharon Glickman
“When we set out to create an integrative recovery center for those impacted by mobility disorders, incorporating mindfulness was a top priority. It is our fundamental belief that conquering the mental challenges associated with disability is a primary hurdle for one to overcome while on the path to recovery. We worked with Thomas and Paula to put our leadership team through the [LIGHT] self-efficacy course with great results and subsequently incorporated [LIGHT] as our [mind-body] modality of choice. The skills learned through the [LIGHT self-efficacy] program have given our team and our members the tools to incorporate a sustainable and self-directed guided imagery practice into their lives, which has yielded amazing outcomes both in terms of team productivity as well as quality of life for our members.” — John Monteith (Founder, Adapt Functional Movement Center)
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