Missed our last social? Never been to one and interested in what it's like? Enjoy this recording of one of our most popular socials hosted by the Nizhoni Institute of Midwifery and our founder, Gerri Ryan of San Diego County Midwives.

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Carry Them Close: wearing your baby safely and comfortably in the first 4 months

Wonderful and WIld 1007 University Avenue, San Diego, Ca

  Carry Them Close: wearing your baby safely and comfortably in the first 4 months A more in-depth and individualized 101 level class, which will explore all the basic carrier types and how to use them, as well as which carrier types are best suited to the progressive ages and stages of baby's development and [โ€ฆ]


Red Tent 2-6 p.m.

Integrative Wellness Center of San Diego 7094 Miramar Rd #109, San Diego, CA

Communities around the world have been organizing Red Tents as a special place for mothers to share their birth stories, celebrate birth experiences, and heal from traumatic ones. The goal of every Red Tent is to create sisterhood and practice deep listening. Women of all ages welcome, newborn babies only please $5 donation is suggested [โ€ฆ]

Parenting Tips for a More Peaceful Family  with Kelly Meier Respectful Parent

Wonderful and WIld 1007 University Avenue, San Diego, Ca

SatDate: 9/9/2017From: 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm Parenting Tips for a More Peaceful Family by Respectful Parent (for Parents of Toddlers to Teens 5/23 10am-12pm $50 Everyone blames parents; we yell too much, aren't connected enough, not patient enough, we are too permissive or too strict. Or, we are too connected, helicopter too much, and are not [โ€ฆ]


Ring Sling Tips and Troubleshooting

Wonderful and WIld 1007 University Avenue, San Diego, Ca

  Ring Sling Tips and Troubleshooting with Brianna Fanelli Ring slings are a versatile and simple carrier that can easily be used from birth through toddlerhood. This workshop style class will take you from the basics of choosing a sling, threading, sizing, proper tightening techniques, safety, different carrying positions, as well as breast and bottle [โ€ฆ]


Wrapperโ€™s Delight โ€“ Woven Wraps 101

Wonderful and WIld 1007 University Avenue, San Diego, Ca

Wrappers Delight - Woven Wraps 101 Have you been eager to learn how to use a woven wrap or just curious about them? This is your opportunity to get 2 hours of hands-on instruction from professional babywearing educator, Brianna Fanelli. Why wrap?? Wraps are definitely the most versatile baby carrier. The same wrap can be [โ€ฆ]


Introducing Solid Foods with Certified Holistic Health Coach Stacy Spensley with Stacy Spensley

Wonderful and WIld 1007 University Avenue, San Diego, Ca

ThuDate: 9/14/2017From: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Introducing Solid Foods with Certified Holistic Health Coach, Stacy Spensley If your baby is approaching the 4-6 month range, it's time to start thinking about feeding your baby solid foods. But where to start? Many pediatricians still recommend spoon-feeding purees to your infant, but what if there was a method [โ€ฆ]


Free Babywearing 101

Wonderful and WIld 1007 University Avenue, San Diego, Ca

Are you curious about baby carriers? We can teach you how to keep your babies and toddlers close and secure while giving you two hands free! This is a great opportunity to learn about your vast array of babywearing options! Brianna Fanelli is a professional babywearing educator and will demonstrate ring slings, woven wraps, mei-tais, [โ€ฆ]


Ring Sling Tips and Troubleshooting

Wonderful and WIld 1007 University Avenue, San Diego, Ca

Ring Sling Tips and Troubleshooting with Brianna Fanelli Ring slings are a versatile and simple carrier that can easily be used from birth through toddlerhood. This workshop style class will take you from the basics of choosing a sling, threading, sizing, proper tightening techniques, safety, different carrying positions, as well as breast and bottle feeding [โ€ฆ]


Carry Them Close: wearing your baby safely and comfortably in the first 4 months

Wonderful and WIld 1007 University Avenue, San Diego, Ca

Carry Them Close: wearing your baby safely and comfortably in the first 4 months A more in-depth and individualized 101 level class, which will explore all the basic carrier types and how to use them, as well as which carrier types are best suited to the progressive ages and stages of baby's development and why. [โ€ฆ]


Free Babywearing 101 with Brianna Fanelli

Wonderful and WIld 1007 University Avenue, San Diego, Ca

SatDate: 9/23/2017From: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Are you curious about baby carriers? We can teach you how to keep your babies and toddlers close and secure while giving you two hands free! This is a great opportunity to learn about your vast array of babywearing options! Brianna Fanelli is a professional babywearing educator and will demonstrate [โ€ฆ]


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San Diego Birth Network

3944 Murphy Canyon Rd C-200
San Diego CA 92123



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A Project of the Birth Resource Network, a Non-Profit Organization, under Section 501(c)(3)

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