What is a Massage Therapist?
Massage therapy brings a tender touch to the expectant person's body at a time when they need emotional and physical support the most. In turn, they are able to pass on that tenderness to the new life growing inside them. Massage provides relaxation to the pregnant person's ever-changing and often fatigued body. In the postpartum period, nature sets about undoing in eight weeks what it took nine months to create. Though it may be difficult, it is just as important to care for yourself now as during your pregnancy.
Why do I need a Massage Therapist?
- Massage is a wonderful way to relax, increase your energy, and relieve discomfort during your pregnancy.
- It calms the nervous system and increases circulation and flexibility.
- Relieves pain in your muscles and joints that must support the extra weight
- It eases constipation and heartburn, reduces excess fluid retention, slows the progress of varicose veins, and relieves headaches.
- When the pregnant person feels good, the baby feels good!
- Massage can help alleviate the physical demands of caring for your newborn by reducing tension in what we call the new parent neck and back, all of those hours, feeding, diapering, holding, just looking at and adoring our babies creates so much tension.
- When we reduce tension in the body it increases our energy levels.
- Massage can speed the healing of the postpartum body by increasing circulation.
- Massage is so nurturing to the new parent who is giving so much of themselves.